A day with: Alex Lupo

Alex Lupo is an inspiring model and musician, we spent a day with her to get to know her better and asked her some questions.

1)What makes you feel beautiful?

Physically, a step by step skin care routine, sun and a naked face and water- lots of it. 
Other than that acknowledgement and support from my friends and family.

2)As a woman , what do you cherish the most?
A right to freely practice independence, as a women I feel that is the biggest privilege that many women don't get to experience.

3)What influences/inspires you? 
Music, art, fashion inspires me to follow me dreams. My experiences and the need for social change influenced me to do what I wanna do in my careers. 

4)Define love?
Love is selfless and intangible. It is different in every relationship and I believe overpowers hate and negativity.

5)Define beauty?

6)What is your self love regime? 
I'm still struggling with this one -everyone has things they need to work on, I feel with age it'll get better. On the other hand, I only surround myself with loving people and positive vibes.

7)What are your aspirations?
I have many things I want to do my goals are big and endless. Overall I would like to do a big project independently. I want to support people and give back to our community, the reason I'm in school for social work. I want to work on myself to become more positive and in tune with the universe and work on my selflessness. On top of all this I want to make good put-you-in-your-feels type of music.

8)How do you feel wearing PBK?
Honestly, in one word would be sexy. It's hard to find clothes that fit me like a glove because of my body proportions. The first time I tried on PBK I was shocked that every article of clothing fit me so well!